Global Career Brainstorming Day provides an important focal point for the careers sector each year. As the world of careers continues to change at a pace, it’s so important that we work as a profession to consolidate thinking, and critically to lead ongoing change.
15 brainstorming events took place in 2013, some ‘in person’ and others virtual, across the United States, Canada, Russia, Australia, and for the fourth year running I was delighted to facilitate the UK gathering in London. More than 150 careers professionals contributed to what has now been developed into a White Paper, setting out in extraordinary detail what the sector is doing now and what it has planned for the future.
The ‘Trends for the Now, the New, the Next in Careers’ White Paper 2013 spans every aspect of careers, and as well as being an important reference for careers professionals moving forward, it is also a really useful read for anyone looking to move forward in their career! The White Paper covers the ins and outs of:
- Career Marketing Communications
- Job Search
- Career Planning and Management
- The Global Employment Landscape
- Challenges for Career Professionals
The Career Thought Leaders Consortium have kindly given us permission to provide access to the full White Paper.
Download the ‘Trends for the Now, the New & the Next in Careers’ White Paper 2013

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